
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
A Qualitative Study Investigating ‘How the National Lockdowns affected Students Higher Educational Learning within the Northwest of the United Kingdom?’ DCC Template Edge Hill University Katie Morse (new window) Opens in new window
Characterization of postbiotics derived from fermented dairy products: potential application for digestive health DCC Template Other Laura Grasa (new window) Opens in new window
What’s keeping registered nutritional therapists up at night? Using classic Glaserian grounded theory to explore the current concerns of registered nutritional therapists against a backdrop of change in the healthcare sector. DCC Template Other Penny Priestley (new window) Opens in new window
Administrar o espaço, fiscalizar o mercado: agentes e conflitos na administração de São Paulo (1828-1841) DCC Template Other Claudia de Andrade de Rezende (new window) Opens in new window
Radiocarbon geochronology of the Southern Brazilian upper margin: Data revision and new information DCC Template Other Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques (new window) Opens in new window
Trinity College Botanic Garden long-term monitoring program DCC Template Other Midori Yajima (new window) Opens in new window
Risk of Emergent Inflammatory Bowel Disease Associated with Secukinumab and Traditional Systemic Therapies for Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis DCC Template University of Manchester Zenas Yiu (new window) Opens in new window
Public Affairs Index (PAI) 2019 DCC Template IDRC Meena Nair (new window) Opens in new window
Gestão de dados por bibliotecários: como torná-los FAIR DCC Template Other Elizabete Cristina de Souza de Aguiar Monteiro (new window) Opens in new window
Comparing the effectiveness of side-lying sleep positioning to back-lying at reducing oxygen desaturation resulting from Sleep Disordered Breathing in infants with cleft palate DCC Template University of Manchester Aleksandra Metryka (new window) Opens in new window