
We are currently experiencing issues with DMPonline's Single Sign On (SSO). We are investigating the problem. In the meantime, please log in using your username and password. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.



DMPonline is an external tool from the University of Luxembourg. You need to first create an account. (We will in the future allow a connection between the DMPonline account and your University credentials.)

  1. On the main page, under 'Sign in', click on the 'Create account' tab;
  2. Fill in your name, email address and select 'University of Luxembourg' under the 'Organisation' field. If you start typing 'Luxembourg' the name of the university should appear among the options;
  3. Under 'Password' you should create and enter a new one that is different from your password. This is required so you can continue using your DMPonline account even if you were to leave the University of Luxembourg in the future.


My dashboard

When you log in to DMPonline you will be directed to the 'My Dashboard' page. From here you can edit, share, download, copy or remove any of your plans. You will also see plans that have been shared with you by others.

Create plans

To create a plan, click the 'Create plans' button from the 'My Dashboard' page or the top menu. Select the 'University of Luxembourg' as 'Organisation' and the template of the funder you want to use as 'Funder' (e.g. 'European Commission' for the Horizon Europe template, 'European Research Council (ERC)', etc.). These will determine what questions and guidance you will be presented with. Confirm your selection by clicking 'Create plan'.

Reference > Public DMPs

When creating your DMP on DMPonline, you have the option to make your document available to the public. This section lists all of the DMPs that have been created and shared publicly by their owners. A word of caution, while informative, these are not vetted for quality, completeness or adherence to funder guidelines.

Reference > Funder requirements

This section references all templates available on DMPonline, including templates created by funders (e.g. FNR) or organisations (e.g. University of Luxembourg).

Write your plan


The tabbed interface allows you to navigate through different functions when editing your plan

  • 'Project Details' and 'Contributors' include basic administrative details, as well as the option to add/remove guidance from institutions (e.g. DCC, FNR, UL, EC);
  • 'Plan Overview' tells you what template and guidance your plan is based on and gives you an overview of the questions that you will be asked;
  • 'Write Plan' presents each sections as tabs with the questions to answer. There may be more than one tab if your funder asks different sets of questions at different stages (e.g. at grant application and post-award).
  • 'Share' allows you to invite others to read and/or contribute to your plan;
  • 'Download' is available in various formats (e.g. PDF, docx).

Write Plan

Each question needs to be saved independently, so remember to 'Save' each question for your changes to be recorded. There is no track-changes within tool so when collaborating, any changes done and saved on a question apply to all collaborators. It is therefore best practice to use the 'Comments' tab on the right-hand panel before making any major changes to an answer.

Guidance and examples of answers are displayed in the right-hand panel. If you need more guidance or find there is too much, you can make adjustments on the 'Project Details' tab.

Share plans

Insert the email address of any collaborators you would like to invite to read and/or edit your plan. Set the level of permissions you would like to grant them and click 'Submit'. Adjust permissions or remove collaborators at any time via the drop-down options.

The 'Share' tab is also where you can set your plan visibility.

  • Private: restricted to you and your collaborators.
  • Organisational: anyone at the University of Luxembourg can view your plan.
  • Public: anyone can view your plan in the Public DMPs list.

By default all new and test plans will be set to 'Private' visibility. 'Public' and 'Organisational' visibility are intended for finished plans. You must answer at least 50% of the questions to enable these options.

Add research outputs

Using this feature you can:

  • Enter a data type (e.g. dataset, software, image, etc), size of output and other information, for example, whether it contains sensitive info or not, what the initial access level will be (e.g. open, restricted, closed) and the anticipated publication date.
  • Select the repositories you intend to preserve the data object in (e.g. Dryad, Zenodo). List of repositories comes from the RE3DATA registry.
  • Select metadata standards (e.g. Dublin Core). Options come from the RDA Metadata standards catalog.
  • Select an appropriate licence. Options come from the SPDX license registry.

Fields such as repositories, metadata and licences are machine actionable, while fields such as data type follow glossaries in established RDM resources such as DataCite and the RDA metadata.

The information you enter here will provide your organisation with statistics on data generated by its users, e.g. how much data containing sensitive information is generated, where it is stored, size, etc.

This feature may be optional. Please contact your research support office to know more.

Useful resources on Data Management Planning

Example Data Management Plans

Useful guides on Research Data Management in general

  • Research Data MANTRA [online resource]
    An online training course designed for researchers or others planning to manage digital data as part of the research process. The course includes a number of software practicals on using SPSS, R, ArcGIS and NVivo.
  • Managing and Sharing Data: best practice for researchers [PDF, 36 pages]
    A guide by the UK Data Service covering a range of topics including data formats, documentation, ethics, copyright and data sharing.
  • How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications [PDF, 12 pages]
    A guide by the Digital Curation Centre giving practical guidelines on how to cite data and the different tools and infrastructure that can be used to support data citation.
  • How to License Research Data [PDF, 16 pages]
    A guide by the Digital Curation Centre that outlines different types of licenses, the pros and cons of each and how they can be applied.
  • How to Appraise and Select Research Data for Curation [PDF, 8 pages]
    A guide by ANDS and the Digital Curation Centre on how to select which data to keep for long-term preservation, sharing and reuse. The guide puts forward several criteria to aid selection decisions.