
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project Title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
Home-based high-intensity interval training for people with Parkinson’s: The HIIT-Home4Parkinson’s randomised controlled feasibility study DCC Template University of Plymouth (Ivan) Conrad Harpham (new window) Opens in new window
Análise do repositório de dados de investigação do INESC TEC de acordo com os Core Trust Seal requisitos DCC Template University of Porto (Universidade do Porto) Pedro Duarte (new window) Opens in new window
Economic aspects of the organization of the region DCC Template University of East London Олександр Книш (new window) Opens in new window
Trade-off to avoid perceived risk of respiratory infection in train commutes: A Stated Choice Experiment study in the Netherlands; for Master Thesis DCC Template Other Jyotsna Singh (new window) Opens in new window
Cohesion and Coherence: A corpus-driven analysis of graduating theses from Vietnamese Bachelor and Masterstudents DCC Template Other Van Ho (new window) Opens in new window
The incongruity between remote work and the location of service outlets and their consequences for the UK labour market and economy DCC Template City, University of London Tan Do (new window) Opens in new window
Epigenetic modulation in lung cancer: diagnostic and therapeutic prospects. DCC Template Edge Hill University Iram Rehman (new window) Opens in new window
Food provisioning occupations and student parents DCC Template University of Plymouth Ellie Iddles (new window) Opens in new window
Variations in tree growth along a Neotropical seasonally-dry vegetation gradient (rainforest - savannah - dry forest) and its relationship with climate change DCC Template Other José Roberto Vieira Aragão (new window) Opens in new window
Análisis de la composición química del meibum y su relación con pruebas diagnósticas de la Enfermedad de Ojo Seco DCC Template Other Hugo Pena Verdeal (new window) Opens in new window