We are currently experiencing issues with DMPonline's Single Sign On (SSO). We are investigating the problem. In the meantime, please log in using your username and password. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
DMPonline is a tool that allows you to easily create and co-write Data Management Plans in the style required by your funder. You can also request for your DMP to be reviewed by a member of the library or the research support department directly within the tool.
This is the University of Luxembourg version of DMPonline. If you do not yet have an account, use the tab Create an Account (right) to create a DMPonline account and remember to select University of Luxembourg as your Organisation. (In due course we will implement the connection with University of Luxembourg credentials).
Information about how to use the tool, best practices to write your DMP and common issues can be found in the Help page. Information about who to contact can be found in the Contact Us page.